Ruoyun Wang


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Hello visitor, since you came here, probably you want to know a bit more about me. Let me tell you my story.

Very short bio

Born and raised in Beijing, China since June 1998. Launched my voyage into the design universe in 2016 during my BSc in Industrial Design. In 2020, ventured to Northern Europe (lived in a snowy and dark city called Umeå), earning my master's and two internships in between amid the challenge of a global pandemic.

Raise a toast to life's adventures! Scroll down in case you want to see more 🥂

As a designer?

Yes, I'm a designer, or as some job boards call it: UX/UI designer, experience designer, digital product designer, UX researcher, or Interaction Designer.

Still baffled? My grandparents are too. They think I “make pretty things. 💁‍♀️” But really, being a designer is like molding clay: you start with an idea, shape it, and reshape it until it's just right. We're just crafting the experiences of tomorrow, one pixel at a time.

Why interaction design? what do I like?

Hmm, good question…I am still figuring it out.

Design has always captivated me. It's a realm where creativity meets fascinating folks to imagine the future.

Yet, it's not an easy job, it demands so much, both physically and mentally. Ask any designer: how many of them have burnt the midnight oil or grappled from imposter syndrome?

In the picture, you'll see a 3 million-year-old stone tool, marking one of humanity's earliest design feats.

Today's "stone" isn't just a rock. It's evolved into this super-tool, continually adapting, gathering feedback, and becoming even more advanced. In the current design landscape, our job never truly ends. We spot a flaw, fix it, and then find another.

We constantly check in: "How does this feel?", and often, perspectives outside our own highlight imperfections we hadn't noticed.

This perpetual dialogue, bridging the gaps between creations and their users, is what I cherish most. It's a dance of continuous improvement, refining aesthetics, and rectifying imbalances.

Perhaps that's why I gravitate towards research. But I also enjoy just creating something visually stunning. And when something I've had a hand in delights people, there's no better feeling.

Outside of that, my passions weave through graphic design, interior decor, web design, and even designing my life's journey. The exploration never stops.

Beyond the Design Desk

Beyond design, I experiment with Asian and Italian recipes, relax in parks, and reimagine my living space. I love pets and dream of a big doggie buddy. Currently, I'm diving back into learning to swim after 3 attempts.

What’s next?

I'm on the hunt for a design role that aligns with my background and passions (and, of course, pays the bills). Ready and willing to relocate anywhere in this world.